Friday, June 10, 2011

ENT Update

I went to have an ENG test last week to see if the vertigo I've had since late February was due to any inner ear disorders. Well, I got my results back and they are normal (maybe I said that in a previous post?). Anyway, they want to do a tilt table test and I read about what it involves and I am totally against it! They basically give you these drugs to induce a panic attack so that your heart will race, they strap you to a table and then lift you up and down to see how you respond. Sometimes people reported that their heart stopped during this test. No way in the heck am I going to do that to myself. Where that leaves me though is in a state of ignorance as to what IS causing this dizziness. My natuiral MD of course tells me it's the candida, but no one anywhere discusses that correlation.  For now I will wait and see how I do without taking anything for it. The episodes are brief and mostly happen at night when I lie down or arise from bed. Things are spinning inside my head when I lay to the left side, but when I turn the right it sometimes gets better. Bottom line, I don't think it's so serious that I need to have the tilt table test, which I've also read is for people who experience fainting spells frequently.
Sleep has been touch and go since my son has been getting up at night screaming in fear. I rush in to get him and he won't stop crying unless I hold him or take him into bed with me. And when I do that, I don't get much sleep at all since he's rolling and kicking me. I love my little guy, but he is not making me happy with this sleep thing he's going through. On top of that, my husband and I have been staying up really late to watch movies so we don't get to sleep until 12 am and then the kids wake up at 6:30. No more late nights for us! well , not for tonight anyway. My little girl just came over to me with her dress soaking wet so I need to take it off and go get her something dry to wear, but all in all, I'm doing ok.
No Imunovir this week and I am feeling good. It starts next Monday again. I will be trying to avoid going to any more doctors since my insurance isn't as good as it was last year and the bills are starting to pile high :-( Time to just trust in God. Oh yes, and one more thing, on;y going to chiro once a month now since my insurance allows for only 5 more visits. Alright now I really need to run, little boy is screaming for  me!

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