Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anxiety Issues

This is week 5 of being on this Imunovir pill, however, this is the week I am off it so things are chill for now. I sang for my friend's first mass on Sunday and was so nervous, but did fine which was great! It was nice singing again. My nerves were shot from stage fright, but again I survived it and am glad I pushed myself to do it.
Since I last posted I've pretty much been experiencing the same fatigue issues, and now, if I didn't mention if before, I get throbbing headaches nearly every day. It's doubtful that the Imunovir was causing them since I get them even when I'm not taking them so who knows why they're starting up so much. I made an appointment with Dr. Gobbie today to see if my neck is out of alignment. Yes, I only have 5 sessions left, but I need to go see him. My body needs it.
Aside from those symptoms, my body seems to be experiencing this feeling of anxiety. It's as though my body is often in the fight or flight mode, but for no given reason. My heart is racy and yet nothing is wrong.
I go to see the natural doc today and will give his report when I get back later, but for now. tata...

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