Monday, March 5, 2012

Into the 3rd Trimester Review

So now I'm actually into the 3rd trimester and I feel like I need to keep up with what's going on since this begins the crucial period when things can start to go wrong. Backtracking a bit, I did have some serious fatigue hit me around the middle of February. I went to visit a new chiropractor who does muscle testing through monitoring your body's reaction to certain chemical within it energy field. Anyway, the last time I saw him, he adjusted every part of my body (or so it seemed) and when I drove home from my visit, I felt this heavy lethargy hit me. This feeling did not leave me for at least a week or so. I went to the hospital the next Sunday to be sure I was ok because I could hardly get out of bed and that was very unlike me. All the tests the midwives took were normal and they suggested it was only a virus that needed to pass through me. Thankfully whatever it was did, however, three days later (Wed of that week) I woke up at night with severe vertigo which brought back my nausea and vomiting to a violent degree. I was dry heaving stomach acid- it was aweful. It only happened when I lay down though. The next day I went to an ENT and he told me it was benign paroxysmal vertigo and that there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was the same thing I had last year around this time of year. No reason for it, it just came and went. Scary crap though. It gets your whole system into panic mode and there is nothing you can do really stop it. Even sitting up didn't take it away. I credit the cure to God since He knew I was unable to function with it and I had no one to really help me. So thanks God!
After that dramatic episode, things calmed down some, save the heartburn, but that's normal for where I'm at in the pregnancy. The only downside to it is that I am still throwing up. I have to avoid eating certain foods and eating too much at one sitting since that also triggers my symptoms.
I have gotten in touch with a vbac support group in the area called ICAN. They're having a meetup group in a couple weeks and I hope to go to meet those other women who want what I want - a natural delivery. I have spoken with a couple of them on the phone already and was happy to hear that they were able to successfully vbac even after 2 sections. But as my midwife says, I have a lot to heal in me before things can happen- she was referring to the psychological hurts that I still carry with me. But with God all things are possible and even though I don't know that I'll ever be 100% healed from my past scars, I do believe that I can live a healthy lifestyle. I know my life has been harder than most people would ever imagine, but that's why I'm getting both psychological and spiritual help.
Anyhow, today I went to my midwife appointment and everything with the baby looked fine. It's heartbeat was 154 and I am measuring at 30". The one thing that caused some alarm was the fact that they saw I had sugar in my urine. They asked me if I has eaten anything really sweet for breakfast and I hadn't- only a bowl of rice chex with some rice milk and half a banana. I took my standard process Catalyn supplements along with some calcium magnesium, but that was it. So now I am going to try and keep myself off all unnecessary sugars and carbs. Althought he midwife said that it was no cause for alarm this time, I still feel like I should alter my diet to prevent any potential issues. My glucose test came back normal from last month so they don't think that's what I have, but it's still a bad sign for me.
Well, Tom just got back from work and I need to eat supper so for now, tata! 

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