Friday, July 15, 2011

The New Drug

Since my adrenal glands have been out of wack, I've been taking this supplement called Phosphatidyl Serine. It's some kind of drug that apparently helps people with Alzheimer's Disease as well as ADHD, but no studies have proven that's true. What studies have proven, thankfully, is that it does work to lower high cortisol levels and that's good for me :-) I started taking it two days ago and am using NOW's product. So far it has given me severe headaches and occasional gas, but that might also be due to the fact that I have not been eating anything but eggs, meat, cheese, veggies and fruit. Yes, I've cut nearly all carbs and sugars out of my diet. How long I need to do this I have no idea since my stupid nat doc, Dr. P, won't call me back and his secretary will only ask so many questions for me. It's absurd that he draws my blood, gets the results and then doesn't give me an explanation of what the results state! It's infuriating to no end, but I can't do anything about it.
I'm on my way to Indiana this weekend to see good friends and am hoping that spending some time out will help boost my morale and get my adrenals to calm down. Overall, I feel better than I did the last time I wrote on here. My fears have been assuaged since I started the PS  since I know I'm taking something that will help. Again, I have no idea how long I need to be on this stuff before it works, but in 8 weeks I'm supposed to see Dr. P, drop another $180  for him to draw my blood again get the results and then tell me nothing. It's a pain in the rear end, and I hate it, but that's what I have to face right now. I'm trying to accept things more and not be so stressed over things I can't change. It's a work in progress for sure, but hey, that's where it all begins with one step at a time.
Should also mention that I'm on 75 mcg's of thyroid and some other anti-fungal med called Ketoconazole. My lower back pain has been with me for days, however since I've started the strict diet, I have noticed it start to wain. Instead, I'm getting neck pain so back to Dr. Gobbie tomorrow! Nothing's ever easy with me I'll tell ya-lol.

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