Friday, July 15, 2011

The New Drug

Since my adrenal glands have been out of wack, I've been taking this supplement called Phosphatidyl Serine. It's some kind of drug that apparently helps people with Alzheimer's Disease as well as ADHD, but no studies have proven that's true. What studies have proven, thankfully, is that it does work to lower high cortisol levels and that's good for me :-) I started taking it two days ago and am using NOW's product. So far it has given me severe headaches and occasional gas, but that might also be due to the fact that I have not been eating anything but eggs, meat, cheese, veggies and fruit. Yes, I've cut nearly all carbs and sugars out of my diet. How long I need to do this I have no idea since my stupid nat doc, Dr. P, won't call me back and his secretary will only ask so many questions for me. It's absurd that he draws my blood, gets the results and then doesn't give me an explanation of what the results state! It's infuriating to no end, but I can't do anything about it.
I'm on my way to Indiana this weekend to see good friends and am hoping that spending some time out will help boost my morale and get my adrenals to calm down. Overall, I feel better than I did the last time I wrote on here. My fears have been assuaged since I started the PS  since I know I'm taking something that will help. Again, I have no idea how long I need to be on this stuff before it works, but in 8 weeks I'm supposed to see Dr. P, drop another $180  for him to draw my blood again get the results and then tell me nothing. It's a pain in the rear end, and I hate it, but that's what I have to face right now. I'm trying to accept things more and not be so stressed over things I can't change. It's a work in progress for sure, but hey, that's where it all begins with one step at a time.
Should also mention that I'm on 75 mcg's of thyroid and some other anti-fungal med called Ketoconazole. My lower back pain has been with me for days, however since I've started the strict diet, I have noticed it start to wain. Instead, I'm getting neck pain so back to Dr. Gobbie tomorrow! Nothing's ever easy with me I'll tell ya-lol.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Blood Results

I got a call from my doc's receptionist and she told me that I have elevated cortisol levels and need to get on more thyroid as well as something called Phosphatidylserine. This drug is suppose to help lower the cortisol to that it doesn't reek havoc on my immune system, raise my blood pressure, make me gain weight, essentially do a ton of crap to my body. I asked this lady if I should get off the Imunovir since that was what Dr. Pierotti thought did this me (thanks a lot!) and I have yet to hear back from him. In the meantime, I've been reading a lot of websites that talk about this issue and there are conflicting opinions about what you're suppose to eat with this condition. Some say stay away from all fatty meats and others say they're ok. I put off eating for as long as I could (bad idea) hoping to get a call from Dr. P yet my body was starting to get shaky so I ate some Tinkyada macaroni and meatballs. My body needs something for fuel and feel like this is fine for now.
You know, I am so pissed off that this Imunovir knocked my adrenals like this. I feel like this doctor is playing with my body, assuming that it won't do anything odd, and yet when it does, he just tells his secretary to call me with what I need to buy next to take care of that. That is not enough for me!! I'm so sick of being someone's guinea pig and want something that will help me, not hurt me!! Why God, why is this happening? I just want to cry and yet if I do, I feel like my adrenals are going to get worse. What the hell, if I'm going to die there is nothing that I can do to stop it, but dear God I am scared. I am tired of living like this and not spending the time I have with my children. I feel like I'm being robbed of my motherhood by these ailments and have no one to fix the problem.
On a side note, I spoke to my father today. It's always hard to talk to him. We are growing apart more and more as I get older. He never wants to talk about anything important, just a lot of BS. He was never a devout person and probably always thought I was a fanatic for being a fervent Catholic- I know he thought my mother was. But given the fact that my father is so superficial and can't stand to discuss anything of depth or  of a more serious matter with me, I feel like saying, "Dad, I really don't want to talk to you unless you are ready to talk about things that matter. I am fed up with hearing about the weather or Jeff and Amy or whatever mindless drivel you want to talk about just to fill the time. How about we actually get to the heart of what's been going on in my life and in my heart for years now? How about you hear the pain that I've been suffering not having a father to talk to or a father that I feel I can open my heart to and who will love me and encourage me? How about you hear the fact that I feel as though I'm dying and have so little time left with my children!"
Do I have issues, yes, but at least I'm trying to get them out. Maybe the problem with me is that I've been holding in so much for too long. I've gone to counselors but they did little to help me. What I need is a friend to talk to who can show me they care. That does more for me than any counselor could ever do, because they are only there to listen and then take my money. Why the hell should I do that anymore? I think the only way I would ever go to a doc is if I knew they were a congitive behavioral psychiatrist. And the good ones are hard to come by around here. I only want one who is Catholic since the story of my life would make no sense to anyone save a Catholic. If it is in God's plan for me to find such a support who will actually help me than I would be open to going, but that day has yet to come. For now, I have to make the best of this difficult situation and pray that I can stay afloat with God's grace. Please God, heal me!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Dr. Insights and Priestly Intervention

I went to see my natural doc last week and gave him the complete update on what was going on. He said that he thought it was all due to the Imunovir and that I was experiencing a neurodetox. In addition, I mentioned that I was having chronic pains in my lower right side in my back which hurt whenever I sat or did most anything. This he thought was due to the Imunovir taxing my system, which as a result, may have shut down my adrenal glands. Not good since that can kill you! Another thing he suspects is that my candida is still in me so he wanted my to take a medication for that. I talked about the anxiety I'd been experiencing and how I thought it might be due to the thyroid to which he said it was very unlikely. (Ironically, my GP told me the complete opposite- who am I suppose to trust?) He ordered some blood work to check my adrenals, liver, thyroid, D-3, and candida.  I had it drown first thing last Thursday and am still waiting to get my results back. I filled the prescription for an anti-fungal and took it until Monday when it ran out while still continuing my usual daily vitamins.

I went away to Jersey for the weekend to see my family and took the two kids by myself. It was a hard trip, but I survived it. I was off the Imunovir all last week and the weekend and then started up on it on Monday. However, once I did, it hit me so hard that I was nearly incapacitated. I couldn't do anything without feeling limp. My sleep was disturbed by panic attacks and my heart was racing as though I was going to have a heart attack. I grabbed my image of the Blessed Virgin and prayed. I was so tired from not having slept since my kids woke up at ten to 6 almost every day and I wasn't getting to bed until 11. I decided to take myself off of the Imunovir since I had to function being out of town and needed my strength to take care of the kids and drive home again.

Two weeks ago I spoke to a dear friend of mine about everything I've been going through. She told me something very interesting and I thought it would be good to share it on here. After mentioning the long history of symptoms and tests I've had, and the little to no improvement, she explained that when all medical approaches seem helpless and without , we should call in the Church. She said a Catholic priest she knows spoke about the power of the demonic and it's influence over the body. Without knowing what else to say to help me, she suggested I talk to a priest about having myself blessed to ward off anything that might be oppressing me.

I immediately called a Benedictine priest in the family and explained what was going on with me this past year and the agony both physically and emotionally I've been suffering, and then asked if he thought it might be demonic. He was very sympathetic to me and offered to come out and give me extreme unction (aka the sacrament of the blessing of the sick) and pray for deliverance from any diabolic powers that might be hovering about me.

So last night he came and another priest friend came with him. I went to confession to the one priest and then my uncle gave me a lit blessed candle and then said these special prayers over me. He then blessed me with a relic of the True Cross of Christ, prayed for my deliverance and then anointed my head and hands with the sign of the cross. He then called up my husband and gave us both Holy Communion and we knelt together to receive a blessing with a first class relic of St. Maria Goretti, whose feast day we celebrated yesterday too! It was so beautiful and the whole time I felt this sense of peace and joy come into my heart. I looked over at my Holy Face icon and smiled. I remember praying to God as I was being blessed to take away all of the pains of my past, to heal my heart, to take all the wounds both physical and psychological away from me. I've never experienced that before in my life and felt so much comfort from it.

Now for the news you probably really want to know. How am I doing today? I woke up with no pains! My neck and back didn't hurt at all. I forgot to mention that much of the weekend I had this horrible pain in my back which I think was from my adrenals, but so far it's not there. I emailed this priest today to see what I should with the medication I've been on as I don't know if I should stay on it or not. I'm waiting to hear back from him so we'll see what he says. But anyhow, I wanted to relate this to those reading my blog because I whole heartedly believe that many of our pains could likely be due to preternatural issues. No, I'm not always looking for the devil in life, but when you have a health problem that comes out of nowhere and no seems to understand it or can give you much direction, I highly advise you consider the possibility of it coming from other sources.

Well, that's all the time I have for now, but I'll keep updating this to let you know if things stay strong or not. I hope to hear back from Dr. P about my blood results. By Friday is my guess.